Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mortal Instruments Monday; Week 4: Theories for City of Heavenly Fire

Oh my god. We are finally here. The end of a series that has made and put so much readers together to finally coming to an end tomorrow. It feels so weird that we have made it. We will soon read the last installment and know who lives and who survives, who betrays who, who sacrifices what, and what will happen to a cast of characters some of us knew back in 2007 when City of Bones was first published or to us who only discovered of the books a year or two ago. In preparation/celebration of this release, I came up with Mortal Instruments Monday, where each week there is a certain topic relating to the Mortal Instruments series or the Shadowhunter series in general. This week, for the last official Mortal Instruments Monday, we are discussing our theories on this final book, but first I have to give some thanks.

I would first like to thank the City of Heavenly Fire discussion group for bringing me to discuss this final book and making me come up with Mortal Instruments Monday. I describe how I came up with this in the first Mortal Instruments Monday post which I'll link right here, but it is so crazy how I came up with this idea thanks to that group, and I would also like to thank to the moderators (to be accurate my good friend Kitty) for inviting me to the group and cheering me on as I do this little mini-series.

And I would love to thank every one of you participating in this series. Whether you did the actual posts or just read them, I would like to thank everyone for being part of this crazy idea I came up with, and also you guys who were really supportive of me as I toke this idea into affect. I would specifically like to thank Rachel from A Perfection Called Books. She has been very supportive and participated and also has spread this idea around the goodreads and on her blog and I can't thank her enough for her support with this idea. I can't think of a time where I did anything like this, and I again I thank any of you who followed along with this and supported me.

And of course I have to thank Cassandra Clare. Without this amazing series and world she created, this would never ever happen. I think like a bunch of you out there reading this, I would have never been obsessed with reading without the help of Cassandra Clare's books. Thank you, for bringing together so many readers and making so many people (including myself) fall in love with reading.

Now, with the thank yous I had to say, let's start with my theories that I have for this last book.


Disclaimer: Also, these are theories. There is no guarantee that these are true and there is no guarantee that these are incorrect. So if any of these are wrong, and you believed in them, do not get mad at me. 
I also know that some people have read COHF by the time this is up, so do not post any spoilers for this 
Let's actually get into the theories now.

So, what do I think will happen in this final book? Too many things.
So, let's start with who I think will die in this book.
The first person I believe will die is, obviously, Sebastian. He needs, needs to die, for reals. He should not be brought back from the dead and be dead permanently.
I think that a vampire will die in this book, but I think that it might be Maureen because she is like 12, 13 years old and she is insane and she might accidentally kill herself, or someone will kill her to stop her from whatever she is doing. Raphael, that seems too obvious in my opinion, and Simon, he's too lucky to die. Name how many times Simon has either A) Died, or B) Almost died, too many!
Now, we do know that a boyfriend will die, I would put my money on Jordan. Another reason I think he'll die is that he would sacrifice himself just to save Maia from dying, and we do know that a character will die trying to save another character, so it would make sense.
Another character I think will die is Jocelyn. We do need a parent to die and I can just picture her dying. Also, Clary is wearing white on the cover, and it would make perfect sense that she would wear white for the death of her mom.
I also think that Maryse will die in this book. I think she will die in front of Izzy or Izzy will find Maryse dying, and she will tell her daughter if she really is her daughter or not, because I believe about the theory that Izzy is not actually the daughter of Maryse and Robert Lightwood. I heard of this theory thanks to Christine of PolandBananasBooks, she posted a video on this, and if you have seen it (click here for ze video). I believe the second option of the theory more because if you watch the video it makes so much sense, and also if she was experimented on and she has some vampire blood and she and Simon can be together 5ever.
The last character I think will die is Magnus. Magnus would be the last character I would want to die because Magnus is one of my favorite characters, however, thinking about this theory I have, it would make sense. I think he would die trying to kill Sebastian, because A) Magnus is very very old, B) He does care and still love, and according to Cassie will forgive, Alec, and C) Sebastian says, in a picture teaser, that 'Your boyfriend's dead. Thought you should know'.
So the six characters I think will die are
  1. Sebastian
  2. Maureen
  3. Jordan
  4. Jocelyn
  5. Maryse
  6. Magnus
Now for some other theories I have/believe in.
Like I mentioned above, I do believe in the theory that Izzy's birth-father was really Valentine and that she was experimented with vampire blood.
I also do believe in the theory that the heavenly fire that is in Brother Zachariah, Jem Carstair, is burning off  the demon powder in him and will get him somehow turn him back into Jem, and he will talk and love Jace because he is a Herondale and he loves the Herondales because of William.
I also believe in the theory that Camille is not dead, and Maureen did not kill her because like Magnus said, Camille can be very manipulative and I would not be surprised if she got Maureen to say that she was dead.

We do know that two couples will get married, and that Jace and Clary get sort of married. I do believe that Jocelyn and Luke will finally have their wedding, and maybe it happens early on in the book and she dies during the wedding and a epic battle happens.

The snippet that we did get that where Jocelyn is 'Clary, I'd like you to meet Tessa Gray', I believe that it happens in reality, but I would not be surprised if it was a flashback because there was a mention in COLS where a female warlock toke the place of an Iron Sister for the protective runes on Clary's minds to prevent her from getting possessed, but I still would not be surprised if Tessa does appear in this book.
I do believe that Jem and Tessa will interact in this book, and I think that the CP2 epilogue will take place in the middle of the book, probably in the second half of the book since COHF starts in December, and the epilogue takes place in January 2008.

I do believe that in someway, Sebastian will have control of Clary because she hears a voice in her head that he is her brother and that she shouldn't hate me. I don't know how he controls her, but I believe he will have some control over her.

Thinking about the Dark Cup/Infernal Cup, I believe that he might use it on one of the kids or maybe a tiny bit of the blood gets into Clary's system, thus making her go to Sebastian's side.

Those are all the theories I have and can think of. God, I can not believe that the end is finally here. So, what are your theories for this final installment? Who do you think will die? Do you believe in any of my theories or the theories I believe in? Share your thoughts in the comments or in your own post, and this marks the end of the technical Mortal Instruments Monday. I do have an optional one where you put up your review of City of Heavenly Fire whenever you finish it. That marks the end of the last real TMI Monday, I hope that I will make another one of these in the future, maybe for Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas if I read the two published Throne of Glass books -may or may not be potentially foreshadowing-.